Africa mini-grids acceleration programme

The Africa Mini-Grid Market Acceleration Programme (AMAP) is a technical assistance (TA) programme funded and implemented by the African Development Bank Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) to expand private sector investment in Green Mini-Grids on the African continent. The programme has a budget of USD 7 million.

  • The programme's long-term goals are centred on establishing a more credible investment space for GMGs on the continent, developing GMG pipelines and enhancing access to AfDB's financing resources. However, many obstacles remain in the path to achieving these goals. AMAP deploys its expertise and resources in addressing these challenges and, in doing so, clearing the way to greater private sector investment in GMG country markets.

  • The AMAP TA programme has been designed with multiple pillars or components to acknowledge the technical challenges evident across the various stages of the GMG development cycle. Pillar 01 focuses on strengthening the public sector’s ability to de-risk the market and attract private-sector investment. Its focus is on preparing the country regarding capacity, policy and administrative requirements. Pillar 02 aims to develop financing instruments that offer tactical financial support to financial institutions and GMG developers. The development of a Results-Based Finance (RBF) instrument, a guarantee facility, as well as strategic economic and legal support for developers in accessing more suitable forms of finance to de-risk access to finance and catalyse further investment collectively. Pillar 03 looks beyond financial close, providing TA support to GMG developers to promote operational sustainability. Assistance is directed at various challenges across the eco-system of GMG operations, including skills acquisition and retention, demand stimulation, financial restructuring, supply chain management, enhancing market intelligence, etc.

    AMAP’s programme design acknowledges the multi-dimensional character of GMG market challenges. It applies a range of TA resources and interventions to overcome these challenges and facilitate increased investment and operational sustainability in the GMG marketplace.

*restricted access

Powering progress

Sustainable energy is the cornerstone of growth and development, and Green Mini-Grids (GMGs) are the key to unlocking this potential, offering scalable and cost-effective energy solutions. By 2030, GMGs are set to revolutionise how 81 million African households access power, a vision supported by initiatives like the AMAP. An investment of USD 93 billion signals a green era of energy that's both environmentally friendly and economically savvy.

Together, we're stepping into a future where sustainable, green energy is a reality for communities across Africa.

AMAP pillars

Pillar 01
Public sector readiness

Pillar 01 focuses on strengthening the public sector’s ability to de-risk the market and attract private-sector investment. Its focus is on preparing the country regarding capacity, policy and administrative requirements.

Pillar 02
Access to finance

Pillar 02 aims to develop financing instruments that offer tactical financial support to financial institutions and GMG developers. The development of a Results-based Based Finance (RBF) instrument, a guarantee facility, and strategic financial and legal support for developers in accessing more suitable forms of finance collectively de-risk access to finance and catalyse further investment.

Pillar 03
Developer support

Pillar 03 looks beyond financial close, providing TA support to GMG developers to promote operational sustainability. Assistance is directed at various challenges across the eco-system of GMG operations, including skills acquisition and retention, demand stimulation, financial restructuring, supply chain management, enhancing market intelligence, etc.

AMAP vision

The programme's long-term goals are centred on establishing a more credible investment space for GMGs on the continent, developing GMG pipelines and enhancing access to AfDB's financing resources. However, many obstacles remain in the path to achieving these goals. AMAP deploys its expertise and resources in addressing these challenges and, in doing so, clearing the way to greater private sector investment in GMG country markets.